Monday 27 May 2013

A bit of step 5 (with a little step 28 thrown in for good measure)

Although I enjoy my Nikon, I also like the look of the 'instant' snaps I've been taking recently. This might be because they aren't finished, so I get to experiment more after I've taken them - I'm not really looking for a meaning right now, just aesthetics.  They clearly are unfinished but I like how they're providing a catalyst for further ideas - like a living sketchbook.  My finished work tends to be of a larger scale - the bigger, the better, really, but for now I'm having a lot of fun with these. I think this is what making work should be more about - not if it's conceptual enough, or too conceptual, and so on.  I think that a lot us tend to overthink work we enjoy making which leads us to making less and less of it.

Saturday 11 May 2013

A long overdue update!

It's been ages since I last updated my blog, so I just thought there's no time like the present.  I was complaining to a friend the other day about how guilty you feel when you don't keep up with making art work.  Or when you do, it doesn't convey what you want, so you end up making nothing.  Oh, the joys of finishing an art degree and winding up joining the rat race!  I'm sure loads of people end up having the same difficulty, but I also procrastinate quite a bit too, which doesn't help.  Anyway, while I was on a friend's Facebook profile (yeah, maybe not the most productive way to spend my free time either), I came across this and thought a picture says a thousand words...

29 Ways to Stay Creative Infographic

So I've decided to get back in the game and do something creative (which doesn't involve organising my sock drawer or alphabetising my CD collection)

Thursday 10 May 2012

Exhibition space at Aintree for 'Urban & Rural Landscapes'.
A few snaps of my photos, which are due to come down 7th June. 
I was very pleased with how well their scale suited the space and reflected the message I wanted to project

Sunday 1 April 2012

Received a Special Recognition for my photo 'They Met at The Lights' as part of the CityScapes competition on Light Space & Time Gallery.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Taking part in 'Urban & Rural Landscapes' exhibition on 3rd April - 7th June at Aintree Hospital in Liverpool.  Really excited, can't wait to see how my photos will look!

Accompanying Statement:

Urban & Rural Landscapes

The proposed images are attempting to collate a number of separate narrative and compositional incidents, operating within a single arena.
I'm interested in how significant details can become peripheral elements and how these elements can combine to form a kind of atlas or collection, mapping an area of previously un-married connections. These elements can include both human presence or interactions and architectural compositions.
The notion of time and place is very important, where by chance, the presence of people form details of the photogenic composition. There is no setup or props in my work, I rely on the nature of chance and circumstance, often only noticing some of the areas of narrative human presence until after the photograph has been taken.
When producing these images I'm hugely aware and make reference to the rich history and heritage of traditional landscape painting, but transformed by our modern, city habitat.